Polysubstance Use Resources
Polysubstance use is the co-occurring nonmedical use of two or more substances within a certain time period, and is common among people with substance use disorders (SUDs).1 Polysubstance use can be concurrent, sequential, or combination use.2 As such, when developing strategies to prevent opioid or other substance misuse, stakeholders should bear in mind that individuals often do not use a singular substance.
In partnership with the Center for U.S. Policy, Community Impact NC has created these two resources:
Polysubstance Use Among People Who Use Opioids or Other Drugs Nonmedically: A Literature Review
Polysubstance Use Awareness: Fact Sheet
1 https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2019.305412
2 https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/P7IDA4VbJv6pNm4aJQgm/full?target=10.1080%2F10408444.2018.1553935&